We’re Facing Social Collapse So Why The Optimism?

Optimism bias means we believe we can solve the climate crisis, but this is not a problem that can be 'solved.'

A recent letter by eminent scientists expressed their alarm that the climate crisis could lead to social collapse by the end of the century. Climate and Earth Scientists are aware of…

Continue ReadingWe’re Facing Social Collapse So Why The Optimism?

Optimism bias means we believe we can solve the climate crisis, but this is not a problem that can be 'solved.'

Why Are Children Taught to Share When the World Is Selfish?

Life is ruthless, so why don't we prepare our children for what's to come?

It’s mine! No, It’s mine! We’ve all been there — seeing siblings fight over their favourite toy in a battle of wills. When one sibling wrenches the toy out of the clutches of…

Continue ReadingWhy Are Children Taught to Share When the World Is Selfish?

Life is ruthless, so why don't we prepare our children for what's to come?

Should Nature Have the Same Rights in Law as People?

Our relationship with nature is one of a destructive controller. To change the relationship, we must integrate nature into the law system.

An explosion on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig in 2010 led to 130 million gallons of crude oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. The explosion was the result of gross…

Continue ReadingShould Nature Have the Same Rights in Law as People?

Our relationship with nature is one of a destructive controller. To change the relationship, we must integrate nature into the law system.

How the Climate Crisis Will Make the Coronavirus Seem Small Fry

While the Coronavirus is temporary, the climate crisis will be the end of the world as we know it

The coronavirus is a melting pot of emotions. On one hand, there’s the fear of infection by an invisible killer virus. The boredom and frustration of being a prisoner in your…

Continue ReadingHow the Climate Crisis Will Make the Coronavirus Seem Small Fry

While the Coronavirus is temporary, the climate crisis will be the end of the world as we know it

Why Koalas Burning Alive Won’t Change a Thing About the Climate Crisis

We need to focus on the cause, not the effect of the climate crisis

The fires engulfing Australia are merciless in their destruction. 10 million hectares of land burned, 24 lives lost, an estimated billion animals — an unfathomable number — burned alive. This isn’t the norm. We know…

Continue ReadingWhy Koalas Burning Alive Won’t Change a Thing About the Climate Crisis

We need to focus on the cause, not the effect of the climate crisis