Social Lockdowns Have Revealed a Monster: The Self-Interested Individual

The self-interested individual (SID) doesn't care about anyone else but themselves

A social lockdown works when everyone doesn’t do all that much for a few months. The fact society is not mingling means the risk posed by a virus reduces as it…

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The self-interested individual (SID) doesn't care about anyone else but themselves

Why Brexit Has Always Been About Dividing Society

Blaming foreigners for social problems is a tried and tested formula that never fails to work

“You know very well the country is being ruined by foreigners. Just go to a shop and buy something: look round the place an’ you’ll see that more than ’arf the…

Continue ReadingWhy Brexit Has Always Been About Dividing Society

Blaming foreigners for social problems is a tried and tested formula that never fails to work

The ‘Age of Woke’: How Social Media Creates Facts Out of Myths

Social media has become a hothouse for misinformation to spread like wildfire, which can have dangerous consequences.

If you’ve reached this far, congratulations, you’re in a minority of people in terms of how you read the news. That’s because six out of ten people read the title of…

Continue ReadingThe ‘Age of Woke’: How Social Media Creates Facts Out of Myths

Social media has become a hothouse for misinformation to spread like wildfire, which can have dangerous consequences.

Why Are Children Taught to Share When the World Is Selfish?

Life is ruthless, so why don't we prepare our children for what's to come?

It’s mine! No, It’s mine! We’ve all been there — seeing siblings fight over their favourite toy in a battle of wills. When one sibling wrenches the toy out of the clutches of…

Continue ReadingWhy Are Children Taught to Share When the World Is Selfish?

Life is ruthless, so why don't we prepare our children for what's to come?

Should Nature Have the Same Rights in Law as People?

Our relationship with nature is one of a destructive controller. To change the relationship, we must integrate nature into the law system.

An explosion on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig in 2010 led to 130 million gallons of crude oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. The explosion was the result of gross…

Continue ReadingShould Nature Have the Same Rights in Law as People?

Our relationship with nature is one of a destructive controller. To change the relationship, we must integrate nature into the law system.

Why Neoliberalism Is at the Heart of Americas Problems

Neoliberalism has a vice-like grip over America, and it won't let go

There is something desperately wrong in America that no presidential election will solve. Widespread protests in cities. Deep mistrust in the police force who kill unarmed people in the street. Armed…

Continue ReadingWhy Neoliberalism Is at the Heart of Americas Problems

Neoliberalism has a vice-like grip over America, and it won't let go