Can the War on Drugs be Solved by Legalising Drugs?

A change in policy could lead to radical improvements, and yet the war on drugs continues

In the 1960s drug abuse had swept across America like a plague. President Richard Nixon referred to the epidemic facing America as “public enemy number one.” The problem required swift and…

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A change in policy could lead to radical improvements, and yet the war on drugs continues

Why Do Good People Do Bad Things?

Our willingness to obey authority can lead to horrific social consequences.

The Baby Milk Scandal that came to light in the 1970s revealed the depths some corporations are willing to go to generate profits. Nestlé and other multinational milk companies enticed mothers…

Continue ReadingWhy Do Good People Do Bad Things?

Our willingness to obey authority can lead to horrific social consequences.

Bitcoin Has a Filthy Secret (of the Environmental Kind)

Bitcoin has created a bonanza, but its growth comes at a terrible price

“If you’re seeing Bitcoin on a bus, it’s time to buy.” An advert on London’s double-decker buses hints at the cryptocurrencies' remarkable rise to power in a few years. At the…

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Bitcoin has created a bonanza, but its growth comes at a terrible price

We’re Facing Social Collapse So Why The Optimism?

Optimism bias means we believe we can solve the climate crisis, but this is not a problem that can be 'solved.'

A recent letter by eminent scientists expressed their alarm that the climate crisis could lead to social collapse by the end of the century. Climate and Earth Scientists are aware of…

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Optimism bias means we believe we can solve the climate crisis, but this is not a problem that can be 'solved.'

Should It Be Made Illegal to Be A Billionaire?

The gluttonous wealth of a tiny minority traps wealth that could be used for the social good

Items on a billionaires shopping list might include, the Moonrise superyacht costing $200 million, the Graff Hallucination watch costing $55 million, or maybe an Airbus A380 private jet costing an eye-watering…

Continue ReadingShould It Be Made Illegal to Be A Billionaire?

The gluttonous wealth of a tiny minority traps wealth that could be used for the social good

Trump’s Attempted Coup Is The Start Of The Battle To Save America’s Democracy

Donald Trump's patriotic army of followers represents a threat to democracy

It says much about Donald Trump’s presidency that it’s not a surprise it has ended with an attempted coup. Since he lost the election, he has convinced himself, and his supporters…

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Donald Trump's patriotic army of followers represents a threat to democracy