Has the Idea of Polar Bears Becoming Extinct Done More Harm Than Good?

A misguided view that the climate crisis is something that will happen elsewhere persists

One of the first campaigns highlighting the dangers of climate change was that of polar bears becoming extinct due to the Arctic melting. The WWF first raised the alarm in the…

Continue ReadingHas the Idea of Polar Bears Becoming Extinct Done More Harm Than Good?

A misguided view that the climate crisis is something that will happen elsewhere persists

What Would Society Look Like if Humans Were the Size of Ants?

While society appears to be functioning, it is functioning in a dysfunctional way

“One fish says to the other fish, how’s the water today? To which the other fish replies, what water?” The fish does not know there is any water because water makes…

Continue ReadingWhat Would Society Look Like if Humans Were the Size of Ants?

While society appears to be functioning, it is functioning in a dysfunctional way

How America Has Created An Empire Without An Emperor

American cultural imperialism has created a global culture that has unforeseen side effects.

The modern world is unique as this is the first time in civilisation there are no empires. Every country can manage its affairs without outside influence — or so it seems. In modern…

Continue ReadingHow America Has Created An Empire Without An Emperor

American cultural imperialism has created a global culture that has unforeseen side effects.

Is Greed Important For Success in Life?

If you want to 'win' at capitalism, you must be self-interested and greedy.

In 1986, Ivan Boesky made a speech at the University of California, proclaiming “greed is healthy.” When growing up, we’re all taught that being greedy is a less than desirable character…

Continue ReadingIs Greed Important For Success in Life?

If you want to 'win' at capitalism, you must be self-interested and greedy.

Why Nation-States Are Not Set Up to Deal With the Climate Crisis

The effectiveness of nation-states breaks down when faced with global challenges

The climate crisis is the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. It’s so hard to deal with because it’s a global problem that will affect every one of us in one…

Continue ReadingWhy Nation-States Are Not Set Up to Deal With the Climate Crisis

The effectiveness of nation-states breaks down when faced with global challenges