Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>What’s the Problem With so Many Environmentalists Being White Middle-Class People?</span><h3> The hypocrisy at the heart of the environmental movement is maddening </h3>
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

What’s the Problem With so Many Environmentalists Being White Middle-Class People?

The hypocrisy at the heart of the environmental movement is maddening

The poor have little time to be concerned about the environment. Their thoughts and actions are focused on providing for their basic needs. Life for the middle class is very different.…

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The hypocrisy at the heart of the environmental movement is maddening

Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>We Could be Working a 15 Hour Work Week, so Why Aren’t We?</span><h3> We live in a culture that values money as a possession over money as a tool to enjoy life </h3>
Photo by Neonbrand on Unsplash

We Could be Working a 15 Hour Work Week, so Why Aren’t We?

We live in a culture that values money as a possession over money as a tool to enjoy life

In 1930 the economist John Maynard Keynes wrote Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren. He argued that continued increases in productivity would allow us to make more with less effort. In other…

Continue ReadingWe Could be Working a 15 Hour Work Week, so Why Aren’t We?

We live in a culture that values money as a possession over money as a tool to enjoy life

Could the ‘Woke’ Generation Inspire a Social Revolution?

A Silent Revolution has created a movement of disillusioned people who want change

The term ‘woke’ is used figuratively to refer to someone who is ‘aware’ or ‘well informed’ in a political or cultural sense. They know and understand the world in ways few…

Continue ReadingCould the ‘Woke’ Generation Inspire a Social Revolution?

A Silent Revolution has created a movement of disillusioned people who want change

Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>How in the World are we Going to Deal with One Billion Climate Refugees?</span><h3> We are facing challenges unparalleled in human history - how we deal with them will define our future as a species </h3>
Photo by Global Panorama on Flickr

How in the World are we Going to Deal with One Billion Climate Refugees?

We are facing challenges unparalleled in human history - how we deal with them will define our future as a species

The brutal civil war in Syria that exploded into life in 2011 resulted in millions of people fleeing their homes for their safety. creating a humanitarian crisis. The Syrian refugees contribute…

Continue ReadingHow in the World are we Going to Deal with One Billion Climate Refugees?

We are facing challenges unparalleled in human history - how we deal with them will define our future as a species

How Big Business Neutered Politics by Creating the Puppet Politician

Big business pull the strings while politicians maintain a veil of legitimacy

There was a time when politics mattered, when who you voted for did change the direction a country went in. Clement Attlee's victory for the Labour Party in the 1945 post-WWII…

Continue ReadingHow Big Business Neutered Politics by Creating the Puppet Politician

Big business pull the strings while politicians maintain a veil of legitimacy