Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>Why the Carbon Footprint is a Blatant Form of Greenwashing</span><h3> The fact BP (an oil company) created the carbon footprint is one of multiple red flags </h3>
Photo by Jose Luis on Unsplash

Why the Carbon Footprint is a Blatant Form of Greenwashing

The fact BP (an oil company) created the carbon footprint is one of multiple red flags

The concept of a carbon footprint has become a well-known phrase in the climate change vernacular. The idea is that by being aware of the emissions you cause as an individual,…

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The fact BP (an oil company) created the carbon footprint is one of multiple red flags

Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>Why North Korea and America Represent Two Sides of the Same Coin</span><h3> Both countries are victims of extremism, just at opposite ends of political poles </h3>
Photo by Steve Barker on Unsplash

Why North Korea and America Represent Two Sides of the Same Coin

Both countries are victims of extremism, just at opposite ends of political poles

At first glance, America, the home of capitalism and the land of the free, couldn’t be any different from North Korea, a totalitarian communist state. But the two countries have a…

Continue ReadingWhy North Korea and America Represent Two Sides of the Same Coin

Both countries are victims of extremism, just at opposite ends of political poles

Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>How Social Media Gives People a God Complex (and Why That’s a Problem)</span><h3> Social media has a corrosive influence on society </h3>
Social media is consuming the world

How Social Media Gives People a God Complex (and Why That’s a Problem)

Social media has a corrosive influence on society

Facebook has nearly three billion monthly active users, YouTube has just over two billion, and Instagram has a billion. Social media has consumed the world, and the content creators who ‘make…

Continue ReadingHow Social Media Gives People a God Complex (and Why That’s a Problem)

Social media has a corrosive influence on society

Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>LinkedIn Reveals 3 Behaviours You Need to Embrace to Be Successful</span><h3> Self-glorification is an absolute must to 'get ahead' </h3>
Photo by inlytics | LinkedIn Analytics Tool on Unsplash

LinkedIn Reveals 3 Behaviours You Need to Embrace to Be Successful

Self-glorification is an absolute must to 'get ahead'

LinkedIn has become a powerful platform for networking opportunities. If used well, it can do wonders for one’s career. Yet, this digital reality is also powerful in revealing the necessary behaviours…

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Self-glorification is an absolute must to 'get ahead'

After Six IPCC Reports Why do Carbon Emissions Keep on Rising?

Increasing emissions are intertwined with economic growth and social progress

The latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has told us for the sixth time what everyone is increasingly seeing before their eyes. Human behaviour is creating aggressive…

Continue ReadingAfter Six IPCC Reports Why do Carbon Emissions Keep on Rising?

Increasing emissions are intertwined with economic growth and social progress

Are Cryptocurrencies Taking us One Step Closer to a Neoliberal Dreamland?

Decentralised currencies are being celebrated as a game-changer, but placing so much faith in the market is dangerous

Cryptocurrencies have been heralded as a gamechanger. Decentralised currencies that operate within a market rather than being controlled by central banks. They are seen as rebellious and a means to bring…

Continue ReadingAre Cryptocurrencies Taking us One Step Closer to a Neoliberal Dreamland?

Decentralised currencies are being celebrated as a game-changer, but placing so much faith in the market is dangerous