Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>Why the American Dream is an Orwellian Nightmare</span><h3> The American Dream centres on a culture of consumption </h3>
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Why the American Dream is an Orwellian Nightmare

The American Dream centres on a culture of consumption

In the land of opportunity, anyone can go from having nothing to everything. That idea — that legend — lies at the heart of the American dream. All it requires is some grit, determination, and…

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The American Dream centres on a culture of consumption

Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>Why the Rich are Enjoying Champagne on the Deck of the Titanic</span><h3> The system is designed by the rich, for the rich, and they refuse to recognise the need to change </h3>
Photo by Alexander Naglestad on Unsplash

Why the Rich are Enjoying Champagne on the Deck of the Titanic

The system is designed by the rich, for the rich, and they refuse to recognise the need to change

The British Financier James Goldsmith once said it’s as if “the rich are enjoying champagne on the deck of the Titanic”. The Titanic was made famous due in part to the…

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The system is designed by the rich, for the rich, and they refuse to recognise the need to change

How the Continued Sexualisation of Women Undermines the Feminist Movement

A paradigm shift is necessary for gender equality to become a reality

Social media presents a snapshot of society within a digital reality. In doing so, it sheds light on the gender norms that prevail in society. While the feminist movement has achieved…

Continue ReadingHow the Continued Sexualisation of Women Undermines the Feminist Movement

A paradigm shift is necessary for gender equality to become a reality

Why Humans Need a Predator to Stop Us Destroying Ourselves

Technology has made us all-powerful, but that power has a dark side

Today, if you have enough money, you can buy pretty much anything you want and do anything you want. But our domination of the Earth, through the technology that has made…

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Technology has made us all-powerful, but that power has a dark side

Why Economists Preaching the Gospel of Growth is Leading to Social Collapse

Economic growth has become an unquestioned truth

The saying money makes the world go round, isn’t quite true. Behind the money are economists, who are some of the most influential people in modern society. They’re so influential because…

Continue ReadingWhy Economists Preaching the Gospel of Growth is Leading to Social Collapse

Economic growth has become an unquestioned truth