The UK Energy Crisis Shows Why Privatisation Doesn’t Always Work

The Conservatives blind faith in free markets has left millions in fuel poverty

Nearly four million UK households are in fuel poverty, living in perpetual fear. Fear of putting the heating on. Fear of receiving a bill they can’t afford. And this is before…

Continue ReadingThe UK Energy Crisis Shows Why Privatisation Doesn’t Always Work

The Conservatives blind faith in free markets has left millions in fuel poverty

Why Do People Believe Corporations Have Their Best Interests At Heart?

Governments, meanwhile, are considered your worst enemy

Apple, Google, Telsa; they’re cool, innovative, forward-thinking, technologically savvy, most important of all; they’re trustworthy. Governments, meanwhile, are archaic, bureaucratic, and distrustful, everything those forward-thinking corporations aren’t. This view is strange…

Continue ReadingWhy Do People Believe Corporations Have Their Best Interests At Heart?

Governments, meanwhile, are considered your worst enemy

Why Green Entrepreneurs Like Elon Musk Could Make the Climate Crisis Worse

Solutions are only viable if companies can profit from them

Green entrepreneurs, as they’ve been labelled, are at the forefront of driving society towards a low carbon economy. Many, like Elon Musk, have become billionaires as a result. While many are…

Continue ReadingWhy Green Entrepreneurs Like Elon Musk Could Make the Climate Crisis Worse

Solutions are only viable if companies can profit from them

How Can a Tax System Designed for the 1% Benefit the Rest of Society?

Trickle-down economics has justified lower taxes on the rich for decades

Taxing the rich less benefits everyone else, so says the argument underling trickle-down economics. The idea is that the rich use the money that would have gone to the taxman to…

Continue ReadingHow Can a Tax System Designed for the 1% Benefit the Rest of Society?

Trickle-down economics has justified lower taxes on the rich for decades

Would McDonald’s Exist in a Sustainable World?

To create a sustainable world, we need to rethink everything

Sustainability is a term that can mean many different things to lots of different people. The term's vagueness is beneficial for companies who can appear to be embracing a sustainable approach,…

Continue ReadingWould McDonald’s Exist in a Sustainable World?

To create a sustainable world, we need to rethink everything