Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>Why North Korea and America Represent Two Sides of the Same Coin</span><h3> Both countries are victims of extremism, just at opposite ends of political poles </h3>
Photo by Steve Barker on Unsplash

Why North Korea and America Represent Two Sides of the Same Coin

Both countries are victims of extremism, just at opposite ends of political poles

At first glance, America, the home of capitalism and the land of the free, couldn’t be any different from North Korea, a totalitarian communist state. But the two countries have a…

Continue ReadingWhy North Korea and America Represent Two Sides of the Same Coin

Both countries are victims of extremism, just at opposite ends of political poles

Read more about the article <span style='color:#00000;font-size:36px;'>Why a One-World Government is Necessary to Solve the Climate Crisis</span><h3> In a hyper globalised world, the nation-state is no longer fit for purpose </h3>
In a hyper globalised world, the nation-state is no longer fit for purpose

Why a One-World Government is Necessary to Solve the Climate Crisis

In a hyper globalised world, the nation-state is no longer fit for purpose

The climate crisis is considered a wicked problem—a reason why is that the climate has no borders. Carbon emitted in one part of the world doesn’t float around where it’s emitted.…

Continue ReadingWhy a One-World Government is Necessary to Solve the Climate Crisis

In a hyper globalised world, the nation-state is no longer fit for purpose